History: The origin of NCC can be traced back to the “university. corps” which was created under the Indian defense Act 1917 , with the object to make up the shortness of the Army. National cadet corps is a tri-sections organization, comprising Army, Navy and Air Force. During the independence movement, leaders of our nation had realized the need to create a national level youth organization, consequently, a committee under Shri H.N. Kunzru was set up in 1946 under the directives of the first Prime minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru which was born through the act of parliament on 15 July 1948, and the function opf rising the first NCC unit at Delhi on the last Sunday of November 1948. This day is traditionally celebrated as the NCC Day.
In Danielson Degree college the NCC unit was established in 1972 and Prof A.K. Das was the care taker of this unit .The second NCC officer was 2/Lt. R.S. Rathore, After his resignation Dr. R.K.Shrivastava held the post of NCC officer from 1983 and he has completed NCC Pre-Commission in 1983 from Officers Training Academy Kamptee. After this he has passed three NCC refresher courses from Officers Training Academy Kamptee and got a rank of Major. This unit was functioning under the 24 M.P. Battalion NCC Chhindwara, governed by Group Head Quarter Jabalpur & Deputy Director General NCC Bhopal, The Head Quarter of NCC is New Delhi under the command of Director General NCC.
Motto of NCC –
“The Motto of NCC is ‘ Unity and Discipline’ which was adopted on 23 Dec 1957 .In living upto its motto, the NCC strives to be and is of the greatest cohesive forces of our nation ,bringing together the youth hailing from different parts of our country and moulding them into united, secular and disciplined citizens of our nation.”
Selection of NCC Flag-
In 1954 the existing tricolour flag was introduced . The three colours in the flag depict the three Services of the Corps, red for the Army , deep blue for the Navy and light blue for the Air Force . The letters NCC and the NCC crest in the gold in the middle of the flag encircled by a wreath of lotus, give the flag a colourful look and distinct identity. Each lotus represents one NCC Directorate (Dte).
Aims of NCC – The aims of NCC are as under:-
- To develop character, comradeship, discipline, leadership, secular outlook, spirit of adventure, sportsmanship and ideals of selfless service among the youth of the country.
- To create a human resource of organized , trained and motivated youth, to provide leadership in all walks of life and always be available for the service of the nation.
- To provide a suitable environment to motivate the youth to take up a career in Armed Forces.
Training in NCC –
Training in NCC instills qualities like nationalism ,patriotism ,discipline, team spirit, esprit-de –corps, leadership and self confidence and promotes overall personality development .NCC gives a tremendous opportunity to one and all for betterment, irrespective of caste, creed, religion or economic status . Based on the aims of NCC, the organization has laid down training syllabi for the cadets. The syllabi for the junior Division cadets covers a period of two years and for senior Division cadets covers a period of three years .Except for minor versions , the syllabi for each Division is similar for both Boys and Girls cadets. The training year matches the academic and financial years.
In main parts of NCC training are as follows
1. Drill
2. Physical training
3. Weapon training
4. Map reading
5. Adventurous activities like cross country, parasailing, tracking.
6. Obstacle activities
7. Firing
8. Social service
Eligibility condition for Certificate Examination-
a. A Certificate: - This is for junior division NCC Cadets.
b. B Certificate: - The Cadet must have attended a minimum of 75% of total training periods laid down in the syllabus for the first and second years for senior division wing. Must have attended one Annual Training Camp.
c. C Certificate: - The Cadet must be in possession of certificate B and minimum of 75% attendance in Third Year and must have attended two Annual Training Camp in addition one of the National Camp.
NCC for Girls – 33% of total seats are reserved for the girls wing in every year
NCC CAMPS- In every year the following camps are organized by NCC unit
a. Combined Annual training camp – The camps are of 12 days duration for senior boys/ Girls and 10 days duration for junior boys / girls.
b. Centrally organised camps -These camps are of an all India nature and are planned by DG NCC Head quarter . The following types of centrally organised camps are conducted.
I. Leadership camp- These camps are conducted on all India basis
II . Thal sainik camp – Two TSC are conducted at RD parade ground New Delhi in every year
III. Rock climbing camp- Rock climbing camps are held each year to expose the cadets to the basics of Rock climbing and spirit of adventure .
IV. National Integration Camp (NIC) – The camps are conducted on an all India basis and help bridge the cultural gap among various states of India . Special NICs are conducted regularly at Leh, Shri nagar, North Eastern region and at Port Blair
V. Republic day camp (RDC) and Prime Ministers Rally- This camp is a prestigious camp inaugurated by the Vice-President of India . The camp culminates in the Prime Ministers Rally on 27 January every year which show all the activities of NCC.
VI. Army Attachment Camp –NCC Army wing cadets are given an opportunity to live and work in regular service units in the form of attachment training for a duration of 2 weeks
VII. Attachment to Indian Military Academy(IMA) and officers training Academy (OTA) – Every year selected SD /SW cadets are given attachment training with IMA and OTA respectively .
Social Service and Community Development
NCC has adopted community development activities with the aim of NCC cadets imbibing selfless service to the community, dignity of labour, importance of self help, need to protect the environment and to assist weaker sections of society in their upliftment .Some of the major activities are:-
a. Tree Plantation
b. Blood Donation
c. Old Age Homes
d. Adult Education
e. Community Work- Cadets of NCC participate in the rural and urban community projects and other development works like cleaning of streets and ponds, sanitation, drives etc .
f. Disaster Relief
g. AIDS awareness program
h. Cancer awareness program
Adventure training and sports - NCC takes part in different tournaments on regular basis other then this NCC cadets take part in mountaineering , trekking and cycle expeditions
Sahara scholarships –In 2002 the Sahara group introduced an annual Sahara scholarship scheme. The selected cadets are given Rs 12000/- each .
Job Oriented – From time to time central and state governments announce number of incentives for NCC cadets these are as under –
a. In Defense Forces – Vacancies reserved for commission in defense forces for NCC C certificate holders.
b. Para Military Forces- 2 to 10 bonus marks awarded for recruitment
c. CRPF.
d. Border Security Force.
e. Railway Protection Force.
f. District Police Force
g. Special Armed Force
h. State Home Guards
Special Achievements of the unit- (Last Five Years)
1. Republic Day Camp and Prime Ministers Rally, New Delhi- In the first time of this Institution, Senior Under Officer Ku. Yogita Chourasia has selected for the Republic Day Camp and Prime Ministers Rally New Delhi, From 01 jan. to 29 th jan 2014. She has attended 9 to 10 camps for this selection.
2. Special National Integration Camp Kavaratti, Lakshadweep- Senior under Officer Ashwin Kumar Doblekar of this college has participated in special national integration camp held at Kavaratti Lakshadweep Island from 16 April to 27 April 2014.
3.Best NCC Cadet award – Senior under officer Ashwin Kumar Doblekar of this college has been selected for the best cadet award of group head quarter Jabalpur and awarded by Rs. 10000/- in cash in 2015
4. Advanced Leadership Cum SSB Screening Capsule- Senior under officer Ashwin Kumar Doblekar of this college has been selected for ALC-VI CUM SSB SCREENING CAPSULE conducted by NCC GP HQ , COIMBATORE in 2015.
5. Mountaineering Basic Course- Under Officer Deepak Dhurve of this institution selected for the Basic course in Himalayan Mountaineering Institute Darjiling, West Bengal, From 04 th April to 01 st May 2016 , and recommended for Advance Mountaineering course.
6. Indian Institute of Skiing and Mountaineering Gulmarg / Shrinagar ( J &K ) – Senior under officer Santosh Soni of this college has successfully completed one weeks introductory snow skiing course at the Indian Institute of Mountaineering in 2016 and recommended for Basic Snow Skiing .
7. All India Thal Sainik Camp ,New Delhi- Under Officer Sandeep Dhurve of this institution selected for All India Thal Sainik Camp , Director General New Delhi, from 17 Sept. to 28 Sept 2018, and got First position in Map Reading competition.
8. Blood Donation and Motivation Camp- In every year 10 to 15 NCC Cadets have donated the blood voluntarily . This camp organized with the help of 24 M.P. Bn. NCC Chhindwara and Distt. Hospital authorities.
9. Job oriented- In our knowledge about 104 NCC cadets of this institution have been selected in different jobs, specially in Indian Army, Central reserve protection force, Border security force, Railway protection force, Central Industrial security force, Special armed force, M.P. Police, and Home guards .