MOTO :-  “Door meten tot weten” (“Knowledge through measurement”)








    Mr. A. Moris

       Lab. Tech.


     30 Years


   Mr. Omkar Bharti


      M.Sc.(Phy.), B.ed,SET

         2 Year


   Mr. Jaykumar Bandewar



         2 Year












   Under  Graduation Courses :

  1. B.Sc.  Ist Year (Chemistry+Maths+Physics), (Computer+Maths+Physics).
  2. B.Sc.  IInd Year(Chemistry+Maths+Physics), (Computer+Maths+Physics).
  3. B.Sc.  IIIrd Year (Chemistry+Maths+Physics), (Computer+Maths+Physics).


A: Vision :- To develop our academic programes as per the needs of the global requirements. We adopt teaching methods keeping in mind, the level and requirements of the under previlaged and financially weak students also.

B: Mission:- Strengthening of existing undergraduate programmes vis-o-vis the present industry and government job needs.

C: Establishment :- The department of Physics in Danielson College was established in 1970 under the guidance of Dr. W. T. Lall , Dr. J. Bhargava            Asst. Prof. of the department.

Increasing output through :

A:  Organize quiz related to syllabus and skills

B:- Organize seminars.

C:- Giving way to their innovative ideas through giving them projects on    subjects related to their Syllabus.

D:- Updating Lab not only according the their syllabus but with the perspective of developing acumen in students for P.G.  and  Research-Studies.


CLUB ACTIVITIES — (i) Zener diode

                                    (ii) Joul  calorimeter

                                    (iii) Stephen’s Law

                                    (iv) Charging & discharging condenser

                                    (v) Laser

                                    (vi) L.C.R.

                                    (vii) L.R.

                                    (viii) Lee disk

                                    (ix) Unregulated Power Supply

                                    (x) Heat conductivity


  1. Power Point Presentation
  2. Quiz
  3. MCQ Test
  4. Practical Test
  5. Over Head Projector


  • C.R.O. 
  • Hall Prob
  • Spectrophotometer


  • List of Books  -
    • Everyman’s Science
    • InteractiveComputerScience.
    • Resonance..
    • Lectures on Physics.
    • Science Refresher.
    • Electronic Ruchi Kendra.
    • Instrument Society of India.


  1. To study the heating efficiency of an electric Kettle with varying voltage                              
  2. To determine the mechanical equivalent of heat (J) with the help of ammeter and voltmeter by “Joule’s Calorimeter”.
  3. To study the temperature dependence of total radiation  and to verify the Stefan’s.
  4. To determine the thermal conductivity of a non-conducting material by the Lee’s disk method.
  5. To determine the coefficient of thermal conductivity of Rubber.
  6. To draw the frequency A.C. mains by means of a  sonometer. 
  7. To determine the probability of distribution of a system using  coloured dice.
  8. To determine the specific heat of liquid using  Newton’s Law of cooling.
  9. To verify Newton’s Law of cooling.
  10. To determine the force constant of two springs in (i)Series  (ii) Parallel combination.
  11. To  determine the value of moment of inertia by the inertial table.
  12. To  determine the acceleration due to gravity “g” in laboratory by bar pendulum.
  13. To  determine the damping coefficient of simple pendulum.
  14. To  determine the Young’s Modulas of the material of beam using the cantilever method.
  15. To  determine the modulus of rigidity of the material of wire with the help of Maxwell’s needle.
  16. To  determine the modulus of rigidity of the material of wire with the help of  Torsional pendulum.
  17. To  determine the modulus of rigidity of the material of rod by Barton’s horizontal apparatus .
  18. To  determine the coefficient viscosity of a liquid (water) by variable pressure  method.
  19. Computer C++ language- To study the variation with temperature of statistic functions - Maxwell - Boltzmann, Bose - Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics.
  20. Computer C++ language - To study the variation with  temperature of — Ideal gas equation and Vanderwal equation .


  1. To determine the wavelength of D and D lines of sodium with the help of plane transmission grating.
  2. To determine the resolving power of telescope.
  3. To determine the specific rotation of sugar solution with the help of polariometer.
  4. To determine the refractive index and dispersive power of the material of prism with the help of spectrometer.
  5. To caliberate the constant deviation of spectrometer of drum.
  6. To determine the wavelength of mercury light with the help of diffraction grating.
  7.  To determine the wavelength of light with the help of Newton’s rings.
  8.  To determine the refractive index of ordinary and extra - ordinary rays with the help of calcite prism.
  9.  Draw the graph between minimum deviation angle &  wavelength for different of   light by Spectrometer with the help of mercury lamp. 
  10.  To determine the wavelength of laser by diffraction with the help of grating.


1.To determine the value of Planks’ constant with the help of vaccum type photo cell.

2. To determine the specific charge e/m of electron by Thomson’s method.

3. To study the charging and discharging of a condenser through high resistance.

4. To study the series L-C-R circuit and hence to determine the quality factor of this series.

5. To determine the resistance per unit length of the wire of Carey Faster’s bridge and hence to determine a low resistance with the help.

6. To study the waveform of an electrically maintained turning fork with the help of C.R.O. and to determine the unknown frequency by the analysis of Lissajous figures.

7. To determine the component of earth’s magnetic field with the help of deflection and vibration magnetometer.

8. To determine impedance and inductance in a circuit containing resistance R and inductance L.

B.Sc. Vth-SEM-

1. To determine the value of Plank’s constant with the help of a vaccume type photo cell.

2.To determine the specific charge (e/m) of electron by Thomson’s method.

3. To calculate the constant deviation of drum by spectrometer through Iodine vapors.

4. To determine the resolving power of plane diffraction grating.

5. To find out the absorption spectrum of KmnO4 with the help of spectrophoto meter and computer.

6. Calculation of diffraction planes (h k l) using X-ray diffraction pattern.

7. To draw the B-H curve for a ferromagnetic material C (a thin rod of soft iron) with the help of cathode ray oscilloscope and to determine the Hysteresis Loss.

8. To draw the characteristic curve of the given P-N junction diode.

9.  To determine the wavelength of Laser by diffraction with the help of plane diffraction grating.

10. To study the characteristic of a given microscope and loudspeaker.


  1. To drate drum (CDS) and draw absorption spectra of Iodine.
  2. To draw characteristic curves of Zener diode and  find out break down voltage and dynamic resistance.
  3. To draw characteristic curves of of Tunnel diode.
  4. To determine the forbidden energy band gap of a semiconductor using temperature dependence of reverse saturation current.
  5. To draw the characteristic differert filter circit -L,π and T- section filer. 
  6. With the help of Cathode ray oscilloscop determine the unknown frequency by analysis of Lissajous figure .
  7. To study the amplification characteristic of a single stage R-C coupled amplifier.
  8. To draw characteristic curve of P-N junction diode and determine dynamic resistance.
  9. To determine voltage regulation and Ripple factor of full wave rectifier.
  10. To draw the characteristic curve of FET.  


              (i) EducationTour-In 2016-Raman science center,Nagpur

              (ii) Seminar- In 2016-Remote sensing

CONTACT -  Danielson College, Nagpur Road, Chhindwara(M.P.) 480001.

Email :

Telephone : 07162-230355.

Mr. Tushar Kumar Mitra

Mr. Tushar Kumar Mitra

Mr. Omkar Bharti

Mr. Omkar Bharti

Asst. Professor

M.Sc.(Phy.), B.ed,SET

Mr.Jaykumar Bandewar

Mr.Jaykumar Bandewar

Asst. Professor
